COVID-19 Company Measure Update


Shizen Energy Group has been giving guidance in recommending working from home, avoiding rush hour train commutes and using online meetings for our customers and partners,etc since the middle of February for the purpose of preventing the spread within our members and customers. However, with the state of the virus spreading than before, we would like to announce that we are strengthening our prevention policy and measures.


  • Extended work-from-home order and recommendation
    The members of our Tokyo offices (FUJI, ICHIGO), Fukuoka office, Sendai office and Kansai office are ordered or recommended to work from home. This policy is extended and would continuously be in effect.
  • No business meals
    Business meals have been recommended to be refrained however, they shall be prohibited regardless of the number of attendees in principle.

*Opening hours of Tokyo offices (FUJI/ICHIGO) continue to be shortened from 10:00 to 17:00 (open on weekdays, closed on weekends.) Post and parcel deliveries would be received within the hours stated.
*Opening hours of the Fukuoka office remains unchanged from 9:00 to 18:00 (open on weekdays, closed on weekends), however may be shortened without notice.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding during these difficult times.