SE ranked in Top 500 companies of “High-Growth Companies Asia-Pacific” by Financial Times


SE has been ranked in the “High-Growth Companies Asia-Pacific” (Top 500 companies) ranking of 11 countries in the Asia-Pacific region, sponsored by Financial Times and a research firm Statista. In Japan, 69 companies which are showing strong growth potential and increasing their presence in Japan and abroad, ranked.
We appreciate the objective evaluation of our continued high growth in the field of energy.

To be included in the list of fast-growing companies in the Asia-Pacific region, a company had to meet the following criteria:

  • Revenue of at least $100,000 generated in 2015, Revenue of at least $1m generated in 2018
  • The company is independent (the company is not a subsidiary or branch office of any kind)
  • Be headquartered in one of 11 territories in Asia-Pacific listed below
  • The revenue growth between 2015 and 2018 was primarily organic (“internally” generated)
  • All companies from these countries were eligible to participate: Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.