Moving to a mandatory work-from-home for our employees due to the continuing spread of COVID-19


Shizen Energy Group has been encouraging employees to work-from-home and to avoid rush hour commutes since the middle of February in order to prevent the spread of the virus within the company and our customers.

However, with the number of reports of COVID-19 increasing domestically, we are moving from our earlier guidance of encouraging to work from home to a mandatory work-from-home policy to all employees working in two Tokyo offices (FUJI, ICHIGO) and the Fukuoka office.

March 17th, 2020, Tuesday – March 31st, 2020, Tuesday
* The period may change with the situation of the pandemic.

■Other changes

  • For meetings with customers, partners, employee candidates and outside visitors, etc. we will be suggesting online meetings as much as possible. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
  • No change is being made for our Kansai and Sendai offices, however, we might shift and apply the same policy of work-from-home in the future.

* Office opening hours for Tokyo offices (FUJII・ICHIGO) will maintain its shorter hours of 10:00-17:00 (weekdays, closed on weekends and holidays.) We will accept post and delivery items during the hours stated above.
* Opening hours for the Fukuoka office remains unchanged at 9:00-18:00 (weekdays, closed on weekends and holidays.)

We would like to thank our people, partners and customers for their patience and understanding.