About Declaration of Net Zero Greenhouse-Gas Emissions by 2050
Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga vowed on 26 October that Japan will achieve net zero greenhouse-gas emissions by 2050 in his first policy speech during the extraordinary diet session.
As the background of this declaration, Prime Minister stated during his speech that “Response to global warming is no longer a constraint on economic growth, but proactively taking measures against global warming will bring changes to economic growth and industrial structures,” and we, as an operator who runs the renewable energy business in nine countries, feel that this way of thinking is becoming a mainstream in the world, led by the European Union (EU), which announced the Green Deal at the end of last year.
Shizen Energy Group is delighted that this declaration will become a major step toward the decarbonization in Japan.
So, how are we going to achieve this goal?
Shizen Energy Group believes that the entire Japan energy industry needs to discuss the two items below.
First, we should set a higher target for the introduction of renewable generation.
In Japan, the introduction of renewable energy in the future needs to be higher than the current energy outlook in 2030, which is still 22 to 24%. In addition, we are concerned about the difficulty to update the electric power system introducing renewable generation at this rate. Shizen Energy Group believes that a higher target for the renewable generation needs to be included in the 6th Basic Energy Plan which is scheduled by Strategic Policy Committee next summer to get the most out of private sector efforts.
For example, in the European Union (EU), where a clear target for the entire EU (32% by 2030) and each of its members, it is easier for private companies to invest and create an environment where they can easily take on new challenges.
Secondly, an approach to the challenges on land use and the power system renovation that need to be addressed in order to diffuse renewable energy in Japan.
As for land use, a framework for the energy development allows each region to lead the project by each region is required so that abandoned cultivated land and the land with unknown owner can be used while coexisting with agriculture and forestry. By including such a framework in the “new event for discussion between the country and regions” as stated in Prime Minister Suga’s speech, it will be possible for the region to discuss the effective use of land, therefore, we would like to cooperate to make this “event” successful by actively sharing the region-led development know-how that we have accumulated to date.
Regarding the electric power system, METI has already announced a policy of the nationwide expansion of non-farm type connections for transmission systems, however, non-farm type connections for the power distribution system has not yet been considered in Japan. Most of the photovoltaic power plants are connected to the power distribution system in Japan, but with the current situation, there are many areas where power plants cannot be realized due to congestion in the power distribution system. Shizen Energy Group believes that it will be important to realize non-farm connections in the power distribution system in order to further introduce VRE (Variable Renewable Energy) in Japan.
The renewable energy industry is a field where Japan can add value to the world. Shizen Energy Group hopes that this declaration will be a major step for Japan toward a 100% renewable powered planet, and that the environment which is necessary for the private sector to take on challenges in Japan and abroad will be created. Shizen Energy Group will continue to strive for a 100% renewable powered planet.
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