1. Winter holiday office closure
  2. Shizen Connect selected by Tokyu Land Corporation for TENOHA Higashimatsuyama Grid Storage Battery Project
  3. Shizen Energy to establish new company “Shizen Connect” for VPP business ~accelerate digital talent recruitment and further capital alliances~
  4. Shizen Connect adopted by TOKYO GAS for remote electricity measurement in EV installation support service
  5. Shizen Energy begins preparations for Environmental Impact Assessment of solar power plant project in Ofunato City, Iwate
  6. Practical Business School & Audition “Green Business Producers” opens applications for 2nd year
  7. Shizen Energy and Constant Energy sign PPA with  Molten Corporation subsidiary for 999kWp project
  8. Shizen Energy supports LA CARPE Festival 2023 with carbon offsetting
  9. Shizen Energy supports Karatsu Seaside Camp 2023 with carbon offsetting
  10. Shizen Energy launches “Equipment Control Demand Response Service” for electricity retailers for supply and demand strain countermeasures and cost reduction
  11. Shizen Energy invests in community transportation Kurashi-no-Kotsu offering unlimited flat-rate rides in Mitoyo City, Kagawa Pref.
  12. NTT Anode Energy and Shizen Energy form business alliance in energy management to achieve carbon neutrality